IHE - Computed Tomography

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Szczegóły kontaktu

Computed Tomography Connectivity

IHE Integration Statements

  • Brilliance CT V2.x/V3.x (September 2012) applicable for: Brilliance-6, Brilliance10, Brilliance-16/16P, Brilliance-40, Brilliance-64, iCT, Big Bore and Ingenuity CT products
  • Brilliance CT V1.x (May 2005) applicable for: Brilliance-6, Brilliance-10, Brilliance-16/16P, Brilliance-40 and Brilliance-64

  • Ingenuity CT V4.1 (October 2013)
    This version of the IHE Integration statement applies to the iCT Family and Ingenuity CT Family scanners running on the iPatient (4.1) platform
  • Ingenuity CT V4.0 (March 2013)
    This version of the IHE Integration statement applies to the Ingenuity CT Family scanners running on the iPatient (4.0) platform

  • Mx8000-IDT V4.x (September 2006)
  • Mx8000-IDT V3.x (November 2004)
  • Mx8000 R2.21 (February 2003)

  • CT Aura R1.3 (February 2003)
  • CT Secura R1.3 (February 2003)

CT Workstations

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